Dublin Foods

dublin food company

Ireland’s unique climate offers Ireland some truly world-class produce. From milk and cheese, to seafood and even award winning artisan foods produced locally. Dublin embraces this treasure trove of ingredients as its locals create award winning artisan foods that boast award winning status.

Irish cuisine has historically focused on meat dishes, but Dublin chefs have now found ways to add contemporary touches. If you want a taste of Irish culture through food, join a Dublin food company.

Cockles & Mussels

Mussels are a favourite in Ireland and provide numerous health benefits.

Plant proteins provide high amounts of protein and are an excellent source of selenium, an essential mineral. Furthermore, plant foods contain vitamin A which supports eye and skin health as well as helping the body produce new red blood cells.

Soy products provide heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids while remaining relatively low in calories and saturated fats, making them an excellent addition to any healthy eating plan.

Seafood Chowder

Irish cuisine relies heavily on seafood, and chowder is one of the best ways to enjoy it! Packed full of protein, iron, selenium zinc and omega-3 fatty acids it will improve your health!

This delicious chowder can be served either alongside some classic soda bread for dunking, or on its own – either way it will surely delight.

Black Pudding

Black pudding is a traditional Irish blood sausage composed of cereal grains, pork or beef blood, shortening, and seasonings. Often served boiled, grilled, or fried as part of an Irish breakfast feast.

Nutritious, protein-rich food with minimal fat. Unfortunately, its high salt content has been linked with heart disease and high blood pressure issues.

Black pudding should be part of a balanced diet; however, consuming too much will only hinder weight loss efforts. Each 100g serving contains 297 calories, 22g of fat and 8.5g of saturated fat – not to mention significant quantities of salt!

White Pudding

White pudding is an iconic Irish breakfast treat and an ideal way to start off any new day. Constructed of suet, onions, oatmeal or barley and breadcrumbs (with sometimes pork liver added for additional flavor and texture), white pudding provides an irresistibly tasty experience that won’t let go until lunch time rolls around!

While less widely enjoyed than black pudding, sausage may still make for an authentic Irish breakfast experience and make delicious additions to soups, salads and croquettes alike.

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie is an iconic Irish dish packed with flavor and nutrition. Packed with protein while low in carbs, Shepherd’s Pie makes an ideal option for anyone trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Soup is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and fiber. When making soup at home using lean meats, fresh vegetables, low-fat or no fat milk/butter.


Deer are hoofed mammals belonging to the family Cervidae of Artiodactyla order. Each foot possesses four hooves with two larger and two smaller hoofs for movement.

They are herbivorous animals that feed on green plants, leaves, stems and nuts as food sources. Furthermore, they have the capacity to digest fibrous foods such as woody plants.


Colcannon is a classic Irish side dish composed of mashed potatoes mixed with various green vegetables such as cabbage or kale, usually served alongside meat dishes but can also stand on its own as an irresistibly tasty meal!

Colcannon is an easy and delicious side dish to add to any menu, and makes for an inexpensive way to incorporate veggies into your diet! It is sure to become one of your family favorites this holiday season.

Irish Stew

Irish stew is an indulgent comfort dish perfect for cozying up to on cold nights, featuring tender meat and vegetables cooked in an aromatic beer broth.

Irish stew can be made healthier with carrots, providing vitamins A and C along with potassium. Furthermore, this recipe is low in both calories and fat content making it ideal for those watching their weight.

Make this recipe in either your Dutch oven or slow cooker by browning meat and onions before combining carrots, potatoes and stock or beef broth into the pot.